As an aspiring journalist, you have a great idea for your big break: you can prove that ghosts are real! All you have to do is explore the rooms of this haunted house every night and capture the effects of ghost activity.
Armed with your trusty camera and favorite flashlight, “Ol’ Neverrunsouttabatteries,” you set out to photograph the objects in the house. If they react to your light, they've been affected by ghosts! Act fast and take a picture! Try to collect as many photos as you can. And remember: ghostly after-effects are only active for a few hours at night, so hurry up!

W - move up

A - move left 

S - move down 

D - move right 

Right click - toggle flashlight 

F - take picture 


Programming/Design - getcreative 

Art - ida 

Music - Prod Marrow 

SFX - seimei no nagare

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